Work-Study Program

About our fantastic team!

Discover the women and men who bring these two great projects to life

Image of a woman and a man standing and smiling at the camera

An amazing team

These two projects are led by the Early Childhood team and the administrative team of the Comité sectoriel de main-d’œuvre de l'économie sociale et de l'action communautaire (CSMO-ÉSAC).

We are committed to supporting the early childhood sector – employers and their successors – through our values:

  • solidarity, trust and benevolence
  • well-being and commitment,
  • respect and rigor,
  • team spirit and consultation,
  • listening and openness.
Find out the CSMO-ÉSAC team
Apropos Qui Pilote 2x

Talk to us!

We work as closely as possible with early childhood professionals. This is how we develop and execute our projects.

Need information on the projects?

Have proposals for collaboration or partnership, or you work in the media?

We strive to answer each of your questions within 72 hours.

Thank you to our committed partners

These projects are made possible thanks to the financial participation of the Government of Quebec and the involvement of many partners:

  • College partners, particularly the CEGEPs, Fédération des cégeps and CERAC (centres d'expertise en RAC) of Marie-Victorin and Sainte-Foy cegeps;
  • The 6 national associations that represent the employers of the two projects: Association des garderies non subventionnées en installation (AGNSI), Association des garderies privées du Québec (AGPQ), Association québécoise des CPE (AQCPE), Coalition des Garderies Privées non subventionnées du Québec, Conseil québécois des services de garde éducatifs à l’enfance (CQSEPE), Rassemblement des garderies privées du Québec (RGPQ);
  • The ministries of the Government of Quebec that participate in our steering committee: ministère de la Famille, ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration, ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale ;
  • Central unions: FIPEQ-CSQ/ SQEES-FTQ/ FSSS-CSN.

We thank them for their support, their collaborative approach and their support from the very beginning.

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Project led by: