Why join our educational team?
The CPE Chatouille welcomes 80 children (10 infants, 70 children over 18 months) in its facility located in the eastern part of the Plateau Mont-Royal. It promotes ecological values (sustainable daycare: washable diapers, garden, recycling, composting) and implements a food policy developed by a nutritionist specialized in toddler nutrition. All groups, with the exception of the toddler group, are multi-age, which favours the reunion of siblings and the accompaniment of children - when possible - by the same educator throughout their educational journey.
The CPE has quickly adapted to new pedagogical and developmental monitoring technologies (À petits pas agenda, Amisgest platform), which makes it an avant-garde environment in terms of communications and collaboration between parents and educators. The members of the work and management teams also have access to state-of-the-art continuing education in early childhood education.