CPE La Ribambelle

03 - Capitale-Nationale (Québec)

Workplace description

The La Ribambelle childcare center has 3 facilities for a total of 164 places. 28 regular educators, 3 specialized educators, 2 food manager, 2 food and disinfection attendants, an administrative assistant, an assistant director of the educational section, an assistant director of the administrative section and a general manager are part of the team. The mission of the CPE is to create a living environment that promotes the overall and harmonious development of the child. Our values ​​are respect, involvement, creativity, openness and the search for excellence

Why join our educational team?

Warm, authentic and quality interactions;  Environment where the safety and well-being of each children are at the heart of our concerns;  Opportunities for discovery and marvel;  The pleasure of sharing significant moments and precious with each of the children;  Importance that we give to the moments outdoor activities;  Ability to integrate children with needs individuals and collaboration that we establish with parents as well as other actors who work with the child so that it is possible. Our environment is a place where  The educator takes the time to welcome the child and the parent in order to create a relationship of confidence ;  The educator takes time with the child and creates a meaningful connection by being authentic;

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