The daycare offers a structured educational program, based on the overall development of children, taking into account their age, needs and pace of development. The majority of educators have training in early childhood education. The daycare complies with strict standards in terms of safety, hygiene, and quality of facilities, in order to guarantee a healthy and safe environment for children. One of our goals is to promote children's autonomy by helping them acquire social and practical skills (such as eating alone, dressing themselves, or interacting with others). We work closely with parents to ensure continuity between home and daycare, by sharing information on the child's development and well-being.
The daycare aims to prepare children for the transition to school by promoting skills such as sociability, concentration, intellectual curiosity, and autonomy. Its mission is to ensure a stimulating educational environment while supporting the overall development of children, to promote the well-being and safety of children by implementing safe practices and caring supervision. The daycare values diversity and ensures that each child feels respected and appreciated. Educators show constant enthusiasm for working with children. They are active and involved in daily activities, creating a joyful and stimulating environment for the little ones. Collaboration is at the heart of our team. Our team values the relationship with parents by keeping them informed, being open to suggestions, and offering regular monitoring of their child's development.
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