I'm applying for a Work-Study position!


Garderie Je t’aime

To be eligible for the Program, you must obtain an offer of employment from one of the registered childcare service. Now is the time to contact employers looking for candidates.

Prepare your CV, your cover letter and make yourself stand out!

Who are you?

Maximum 150 words

Tell us more!

This information is used to validate your eligibility to apply for a Work-Study position in early childhood.

Describe your passions, your motivations, your relevant experiences.

Maximum 150 words

Please note proof will be required when assessing your admission. The CÉGEP reserves the right to invite candidates to a short French test, regardless of the level of education attained.

The Permanent Code needs to be composed of 4 UPPER CASE letters and 8 numbers (ABCD12345678)

The promoter of the Early Childhood Work-Study Program reserves the right to reallocate a CEGEP if the maximum number of admitted students is reached.


Application documents

Please submit your application documents here:

Maximum 4 MB. Accepted filetypes: .jpg, .jpe, .png, .webp, .pdf, .xlsx, .xls, .doc, .docx, .txt.

Maximum 4 MB. Accepted filetypes: .jpg, .jpe, .png, .webp, .pdf, .xlsx, .xls, .doc, .docx, .txt.

Maximum 4 MB. Accepted filetypes: .jpg, .jpe, .png, .webp, .pdf, .xlsx, .xls, .doc, .docx, .txt.

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