Garderie Les Petits Anges de Wesley Inc.

06 - Montréal

Workplace description

Our daycare centre is composed of 69 children from ages 18 months to 5 years old. We are a non-profit, subsidized, community based daycare. Our educators and children come from all walks of life. We offer a bilingual environment with 4 large classroom environments, a large gymnasium and a private outdoor playground. We are situated in a beautiful heritage building in the Monkland-NDG village area.
Workspace website

Why join our educational team?

We believe children are the future. We implement the strategies and princples of the MF based program: Acceuillir La Petite Enfance. Our educators are team players. We pride ourselves are working collaboratively to provide children and families with the best pre-school experience possible. We love to explore our neighborhood and we partner with local schools and other non-profit organizations in order to support the good work we do with children. 20% of our spots are devoted to children with special needs. We have a speech pathologist and occupational therapist on our team.

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