Recognize your skills and obtain your diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education.
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Don't forget to attend the mandatory RAC information session at the CEGEP of your choice.
Attend an information session offered by the CEGEPRecognize your skills and obtain your diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education.
It is a process of Recognition of Acquired Competencies (RAC) in Early Childhood Care and Education offered in several CEGEPs in Quebec. It allows adults who have acquired experience, knowledge and know-how in education in childhood, to evaluate and have their skills in childhood education officially recognized. This individual process takes place at the pace of each participant.
The idea at the heart of the RAC96 is to offer experienced unqualified personnel a favorable context for carrying out their process and financial support of up to 96 hours of paid time, reimbursed to the employer within the framework the workforce training measure for companies.
The employee who engages in the process must meet the following criteria:
Want to know more about the RAC process? You have questions about how it works, the prerequisites, the time and commitment it requires ? Register for an information session offered in a CEGEP! Please note that this is mandatory for all those who want to start the RAC process.
Consult the calendar of CEGEPs and information sessions here :
General presentation of Rac96 process for experienced unqualified personnel
Discover the advantages of the process, the responsibilities of the employer and the employees and tips and advice for successfully integrating the RAC96 process.
The RAC96 team organize several virtual meetings in order to support employees. Stay tuned for upcoming meeting dates.
To access of essentials keys informations about RAC96 process!
Step 1
The employee talks to their employer about the RAC96 process.
The interested employee participates in an information session on RAC offered by the CEGEPs (mandatory and free meeting, in a CEGEP of the person's choice, and without obligation to continue the process afterwards).
Step 2
The employee compiles an application file and submits it to the CEGEP where he/she participated in an information session on RAC.
After analysis of the file, they are called to a validation interview to determine if they are eligible for the RAC process.
Step 2
At the same time, the employer registers their environment on the Early Childhood Work-Study portal
connect to their Employer space to update all the information and registers any employee who has submitted a CEGEP application file.
Step 3
If the employee is admitted, they will then be evaluated by various means: meetings with a content specialist, written assignments, design of a portfolio, observations in the workplace, etc.
If necessary, you may be asked to participate in missing training activities in order to pass the evaluations and thus meet the requirements for obtaining the diploma.
In partnership with their employer, the employee will plan their moments of release that will allow them to progress in his RAC process in the best conditions, and ideally during regular working hours.
This paid time of up to 96 hours will be reimbursed to the employer at the fixed rate of $25 per hour, for each employee in the RAC96 process.
Once the skills assessment is complete, the CEGEP will issue a diploma with the same value as one obtained through classroom or virtual training.
To visualize the steps in diagram : click here.
To visualize the steps in video : click here.
Don't forget to attend the mandatory RAC information session at the CEGEP of your choice.
Attend an information session offered by the CEGEPConsult the other training and procedures offered by the government to access the profession of early childhood educator